Step by Step Guide on How to set up a FaceBook Pixel using Google Tag Manager


Are you a small business owner looking to grow your online presence and track your website’s performance? Look no further! In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the process of setting up a Facebook Pixel using Google Tag Manager. With this powerful combination, you can easily create customized audiences, optimize your ads, and measure the effectiveness of your Facebook ad campaigns. So, let’s dive in!

Before we get started, let’s briefly discuss what a Facebook Pixel is. In simple terms, a Facebook Pixel is a piece of code provided by Facebook. When added to your website, it allows you to track user activity, optimize your ads, and build targeted audiences for future campaigns. It’s like having your own analytical tool, specifically tailored to Facebook advertising.

To set up a Facebook pixel you need these 3 things 

  1. A website
  2. A FaceBook Page
  3. Google Tag Manager Account

The easiest way to get started is by login in to your facebook profile and click on the profile photo icon. This will make it easy for you to access your page. Click the page you want to set up a Facebook Pixel for

If you do not have a Facebook page create one by moving to your left hand side of your Facebook profile

After switching to your facebook page, on the left hand side click the name of your facebook page

You will land on your your facebook page and you will see Meta Business Suite. Click  and you will be redirected to your Meta Business Suite Account

Inside Meta Business Suite go to All tools

Now scroll down and click on events Manager and if you are new you will be needed to switch to the account connected to your Ads Manager by clicking continue.

You will now see Events Manager Overview and you will click the button “Connect Data”

Connect a new data source by checking the box that has web – since we will be tracking data on your website. Click “connect”. 

Name your Pixel

Enter your website url

Find a set up methods – Do it Yourself

Chose how to connect your website in this case we will chose “Meta Pixel and Conversion API”.  By Clicking next You will have access to your pixel code

If the above procedure does not work or you are lost, please watch the video below and you will be able to access the facebook pixel code

Now that you have your Facebook Pixel, it’s time to install Google Tag Manager (GTM) on your website. GTM is a free tool that makes it easy to add and manage various tracking codes without touching your website’s code directly.

Go to and create an account if you haven’t already.

Now that you have your Facebook Pixel, it’s time to install Google Tag Manager (GTM) on your website. GTM is a free tool that makes it easy to add and manage various tracking codes without touching your website’s code directly.Watch the tutorial below and you will be able to set up the code in your wordpress website

With GTM set up, it’s time to create a new tag to track your Facebook Pixel.In this case we will create a “Facebok Pixel – All Pages” tag. Watch the tutorial below to understand GTM tags

With GTM set up, it’s time to create a new tag to track your Facebook Pixel.In this case we will create a “Facebok Pixel – All Pages” tag. Watch the tutorial below to understand GTM tags

If your pixel is not visible on the Meta Pixel Helper make sure you go back to your wordpress. Click on settings then Google Tag Manager and ensure the Container Code is “ON” and save changes. 

Congratulations on successfully setting up a Facebook Pixel using Google Tag Manager! With this powerful combination, you have the ability to track user activity, optimize your ads, and build targeted audiences for your future Facebook ad campaigns. You can now confidently measure the effectiveness of your advertising efforts and make data-driven decisions to grow your small business. Remember to monitor your Facebook Pixel regularly for any potential issues or updates.

If you want to learn more about advanced features of Facebook Pixel or explore other powerful tools for online advertising, Facebook’s Business Help Center is a great resource to dive deeper into the topic. Happy tracking and best of luck with your Facebook ad campaigns!


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